Newton J. Tharp in the News
The San Francisco Call
October 24, 1907
Board of Works Ousts Shea from His Office: Appointment of Tharp City Architect is Consummated
Plans for Hospital and Specifications for Five New Schoolhouses are Submitted
The board of public works adopted formal resolutions yesterday abolishing the position of supervising architect held by William D. Shea and appointing Newton Tharp as city architect at a salary of $4,000 a year. The action taken had alredy been foreshadowed and will cut off Shea's prospective fees, which threatened to aggregate between $100,000 and $200,000 under a 5 percent commission on all buildings to be constructed under the bond issue.
Tharp will prepare plans and act as superintendent of construction for all new municipal buidings and plans for the rehabilitation of existing public structures and perform such other architectural services as may be required by the board.
Shea submitted the plans for the new city and county hospital prepared by Architect William Mooser, which were referred to the health board for consideration.
Shea also submitted plans, specifications, and detail drawings for the Laguna Honda, Sutro, Golden Gate, Jean Parke,r and Lippard street schools, which were ordered sent to the board of education for approval.
The plans for the Washington grammar and Sheridan schools will be submitted next Wednesday.